Mailbox for Mail and packages and Parcel Only Mailbox Subscriptions Rates in Avalon, CA
Safety, Security & Convenience
Excellent for full time or short term residents who want to have parcels left in a secure location to prevent theft. Recommended for Boaters who need packages delivered while moored or anchored for an extended period of time at Catalina Island:
You can rent a mailbox to receive US mail and Parcels from USPS and other Common Carriers such as UPS and Fed Ex;
OR you can rent a mailbox for deliveries of Parcels only.
Personal mailbox rentals or Parcel only accounts are:
$40 monthly with discounts available if you pre pay 3, 6 or 12 months in advance. You can receive up to 20 parcels per month with this service. A fee of $2.00 per parcel will be imposed if more than 20 parcels are delivered in a month. Per policy, parcels must be picked up at least once per week, However we will hold your packages for up to 14 days without any additional fee. A storage fee of $0.10 per dimensional pound per day (using UPS DIM weight scale) will be charged for parcels left for more than 14 days unless other arrangements are made in advance. Packages left for more than 30 days may be subject to disposal at our discretion.
If you are on Catalina Island temporarily and only need to receive some packages while you are here: We offer a parcel receiving service on a per package basis. CLICK HERE for more information.